Lindsay Twa, Ph.D., M.A.

Lindsay Twa, Ph.D., M.A.
Professor of Art; Director of Eide/Dalrymple Gallery; Division Chair of Humanities
Art Department
Ph.D. in Art History, 2006, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; M.A. in Art History, 2001, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; B.A. in Studio Art and Music, 1998, Concordia College
Dr. Lindsay Twa teaches global art history survey courses and seminars on contemporary and modern art. She also teaches for the Civitas Honors and First-Year Seminar (FYS) programs, as well as capstone courses for the studio art major. She leads travel courses to India, London, England, and New York City, New York, during January Interim (J-Term) and spring break. Her research focuses on African American and Black diaspora art history. Her scholarship has appeared in American Art (Smithsonian American Art Museum), Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, Journal of Haitian Studies, World Art and Gradhiva. She is the author of the book Visualizing Haiti in U.S. Culture, 1910-1950 (Ashgate and Routledge). As the director of Augustana's Eide/Dalrymple Gallery, Twa has organized and curated more than 100 exhibitions and oversees a permanent art collection of more than 4,000 art objects.